Dipinjam oleh: Christalliana Ayu Saputri tanggal harus kembali 13 Februari 2012
by Emi Mase-Hasegawa.
Thomas Hoover.
edited by Thomas Hoffmann, Lucia Siebers.
Judul asli: Moderne Literaturtheorie und antike Texte. English
Masahiro Tanimori.
Wendy Nyemaster.
edited by Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini, Juan Uriagereka, and Pello Salaburu.
David Thomas, David Carlton, Anne Etienne.
Pembimbing: Theresia
Review "Farrell and Jacobs encourage those involved in teaching English to develop, maintain and rediscover the reasons that led them to take up the profession. They focus on the essentials in teaching the English language that teachers can implement in their instruction so that their students can excel in their learning: encourage learner autonomy; emphasize the social nature of learning; dev…