by Stefan Thim.
Library has: workbook and Teachers resource book
Combining the features of aworkbook and reference manual, this book clearly and systematically explains how the verb system works while providing more than 150 drills for practice.
Soraya Ramli
Grammar is a very old field of study. Did you know that the sentence was first divided into subject and verb by Plato, the famed philosopher from ancient Greece? That was about 2,400 years ago! Ever since then, students all over the world have found it worthwhile to study the structure of words and sentences. Why? Because skill in speaking and writing is the hallmark of all educated people.
Library has: Advanced and Teacher's resource book
Library has: Starter Student's book Starter Language booster
Library has: Starter Student's book Elementary language booster Pre-Intermediate Student's book
Library has: Workbook 1
Library has: Book 1; Teacher's book 2